Friday, June 5, 2015

Track meet extras

Week 10:forum

 My favorite photos:
Why: The photo of Marty is my favorite because I feel as though I captured an image of her that shows all of her joy and love for what she does in her eyes, and even though she isn't looking at the camera, I think that makes it more interesting. I also feel like this picture can be viewed and touches many people when they see it.
My approach has changed because I put more effort into the random angles and take more risks in that way. I don't just go for the "easily good" shots, I go for the weird angles even though they rarely turn out for me.

(Week 1) My Goals For Photojournalism 134:
  • I want to learn how to take photos in a new and interesting way that helps me get out of my comfort zone.(This class did allow me to get out of my comfort zone and I took pictures I normally would not have taken)
  • To be able to tell a story with images alone.(I feel as though my photos could tell a story, but photos alone cannot tell a story, you need to give the photo context or it can take over and be taken incorrectly)
  •  Learn to create a more interesting, compelling photo. (Though I feel that my photos have not improved and my photos aren't compelling,  I supposed I have learned what creates a photo that IS compelling by seeing others' works)


Throughout this spring, three elementary schools in Sweet Home were practicing for a track meet where the schools would come together to compete for the fastest times, the longest jumps and the furthest throws. The three schools were the Holley Hawks, Hawthorne Hornets and Oak Heights Mustangs. These photos focus on the Mustangs. The track meet was on a Friday, May 29th on an 85 degree day. The kids had a great time, and the chaperones did a great job keeping the kids entertained. There were 3 high school students that helped put on the whole event and kept the kids continuously entertained. Along with the basic events, there was a bubble station, hula hoops, a "sharks and minnows" game, and a "parachute".
The sack race with Oak Heights Kindergarteners was a lot of fun and done in a blink of an eye.
1st graders racing a 100 m dash, Oak Heights students in yellow and orange, with a Holley kid on the blue shirt. Along the track ad stands their class mates would cheer them on, and offer high fives to help encourage the runners.
There were many events at the track meet, including races of 50 m, 100m, 200 m, and 4x100 relays, throwing a shot ball like a shot-put, and standing long jump. Along with the average track events there was also this water race (pictured here) which had teams racing to fill up their 2-Liter bottle with a cup of water. There was a lot of technique as well as sheer speed needed.

Of all the students during an Egg toss, this is the only team (Oak Heights) that caught the egg from about 20 yards away. Mr.A helps award the team the congratulations they deserve

Friday, May 29, 2015

Week 9: Forum

Turning Pro:
I will never be a photojournalist as it is not something I want to do, and I am not cut out for this career. I like taking pictures of people who want their pictures taken, if I take anything from this course, it may be the different ideas for taking pictures in different angles.  I don't have desire, drive or the cut-throat personality to get in and take shots of random strangers, and I truly don't ever want to put this much effort into taking photos again. Weeks on end of emails and plans that fall through, people that don't show up and getting judged harshly for photos that most subjects and people find beautiful. I not once was judged as having a "great" photo, and that just makes me decide that my picture taking ability, at least for photojournalism, or this course, isn't good enough, despite all the extra time and effort I put into the photos. I cannot be in a profession where the time I put in amounts to "okay", and I will go back to taking photos my way, from my perspective, of people that are happy I'm there and actually enjoy the images I take.

Favorite Photographer:
YOUSUF KARSH, presented by Marwah Alzabldl (, was my favorite photographer. He took pictures of people with the most dramatic and gorgeous lighting. I liked his photos the best, because he took photos the way I like to take photos, with willing participants, in a way that is posed and shows the essence and emotion being felt. The photo  below is my favorite by him, as it shows the man as well as the smoke of the cigarette and the lighting on his face is gorgeous. I will take the idea of doing/using different lighting for portraits.
Humphrey Bogart, 1946

Saturday, May 23, 2015

week 8 extras

Truck 21 hoisting up the American flag.

A&W bear high-fiving with a kid before the race. He was quite the attraction for the youngsters.

week 8: Action Shots: Hero Half

Runners young and old came out to support our local troops on May 23 by participating in a half marathon or a shorter trek around the grounds at Community Chapel in Sweet Home.

Runner Nikki Smith (runner 33), a service member himself (359th Inland Cargo Transfer Company) and an avid runner starts the hero’s half strong, supporting his fallen brethren.
"And they're off!" Hundreds started the race at 10 a.m., running under the hoisted American flag, to show support for the veterans around the globe, each racer donated money to take part to help support the Veteran foundation in Sweet Home.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Week 8 Forum: Media

Topic 1: Technology and Innovation:
What is the single most important technological change/advancement to photojournalism and why?
-The change of a camera to a smaller, portable size that could capture an image instantaneously without people having to pose or "stand still" for long periods of time. Also the ability to have the camera mobile and "hidden" to take candid pictures allowed for a more perfect, honest image.

Who is the best photographer in history of photojournalism? Why and examples of their life:
Weegee is probably the best photojournalism, because he created the profession of photojournalism. He took pictures and showed people real-life, show stopping scenes that no one else had.

Topic 2: Photo Story Plan:
Who: Kids at Oak Heights
What: The first inter school track meet for elementary students.
When: Next Tuesday and Friday, May 29th (actual event) at 9:30 a.m.
Where: Sweet Home
Why: Ways to get kids together in an active fun way.
Kinds of Photos I want to take:
Overall: Up high (maybe in crows nest) of kids doing events from an "aerial view".
Medium: individual racers/athletes, finishing races, going "mid-jumps", start lines.
Close up: shoes on start lines, close up of shirts, close faces.