Friday, May 29, 2015

Week 9: Forum

Turning Pro:
I will never be a photojournalist as it is not something I want to do, and I am not cut out for this career. I like taking pictures of people who want their pictures taken, if I take anything from this course, it may be the different ideas for taking pictures in different angles.  I don't have desire, drive or the cut-throat personality to get in and take shots of random strangers, and I truly don't ever want to put this much effort into taking photos again. Weeks on end of emails and plans that fall through, people that don't show up and getting judged harshly for photos that most subjects and people find beautiful. I not once was judged as having a "great" photo, and that just makes me decide that my picture taking ability, at least for photojournalism, or this course, isn't good enough, despite all the extra time and effort I put into the photos. I cannot be in a profession where the time I put in amounts to "okay", and I will go back to taking photos my way, from my perspective, of people that are happy I'm there and actually enjoy the images I take.

Favorite Photographer:
YOUSUF KARSH, presented by Marwah Alzabldl (, was my favorite photographer. He took pictures of people with the most dramatic and gorgeous lighting. I liked his photos the best, because he took photos the way I like to take photos, with willing participants, in a way that is posed and shows the essence and emotion being felt. The photo  below is my favorite by him, as it shows the man as well as the smoke of the cigarette and the lighting on his face is gorgeous. I will take the idea of doing/using different lighting for portraits.
Humphrey Bogart, 1946

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