Friday, April 24, 2015

environment from the Costume Loft

week 4: Portraits

Marty Calson hemming pants for an actor in the production of UNCLE VANYA by the Verona Studios at The Costume Lost in Albany, on April 23rd.

Marty Calson hemming pants for an actor in the production of UNCLE VANYA by the Verona Studios at The Costume Lost in Albany, on April 23rd.

Marty Calson hemming pants for an actor in the production of UNCLE VANYA by the Verona Studios at The Costume Lost in Albany, on April 23rd.
Marty Calson works Monday through Saturday at the Costume Loft with Her son Kevin, and a close friend Barbra to make costumes for plays, weddings and Halloween.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams is an incredible man that was passionate about nature, the natural beauty of things and lover of the imperfections and beauty of the everyday mundane. Born in 1902 in San Fransisco to older parents that had fortune then lost, he grew up considered somewhat "odd" to his classmates.  At the age of 4 his nose got broken in an aftershock, permanently  changing his face. As he did not do well in school, he graduated with a legitimizing diploma, which could be considered the same as completing the eighth grade. When he was 12 he was taught to play piano and read music, which inspired his goal of becoming a famous concert pianist. He excelled at piano and that took the place of much of his schooling, and was his main occupation until 1920. he was influenced by the beauty of the Golden Gate,  and even more so of Yosemite Sierras, in Nevada. Starting in 1916, at the age of about 14, he became transfixed on the natural beauty that surrounded him. He spent large amount of time there throughout his life and in 1927, published his first, and arguably most famous portfolio Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras which includes Monolith, the Face of the Half Dome. In the 1930's Ansel changed his photos to become a sharper straight image, that looked to have not been tampered with. He is credited with the creation of "dodging" and "burning" as well as the Zone system, the early form of photo editing in a dark room, causing parts of photos to be over or less exposed. Ansel Adams is quoted saying "dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in the establishing tonal relationships." In 1935 to 1938 Ansel ran into financial troubles and started doing more commercial work, including food companies, portraits and magazines alike. Being a very influential person, he was an avid activist for protections of private natural lands, most notably the park close to his heart and his beginnings, Yosemite National Park. His critics often said that his images were too idealistic, with no humanity or evidence of humans in them at all, it was these images that were a large reason that we have protected lands and parks to this day. In fact, some would argue that Ansel Adams was the last and defining figure in the romantic 19th century of landscape photographs and paintings. In his old age (1977), his first images were still loved and imitated by aspiring photographers, and his editing skills were adopted by many leading photographers of the age, and still used today. He finished writing his autobiography the same year her died, and one year later on April 22 1985, a mountain on the boundary of Yosimite park was named Mt. Ansel Adams, poetic justice as he helped protect the mountains, they will forever hold his memory.
“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.” – Ansel Adams - See more at:
“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.” – Ansel Adams - See more at:
“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.” – Ansel Adams - See more at:
Sundown, the Pacific: My favorite photo by Ansel Adams

“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.” – Ansel Adams - See more at:

“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.” – Ansel Adams - See more at:
“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.” – Ansel Adams - See more at:

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 4: Forum

NPAA Code of Ethics:
Most compelling section of "code of ethics":  "Editing should maintain the integrity of the photographic images' content and context. Do not manipulate images or add or alter sound in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects"
I think that editing photos should not change, only enhance and make the image look the most realistic as a camera can't accurately capture the moment that the naked eye can see.
Ideally photojournalists should.... "Respect the integrity of the photographic moment"
A photo used to tell a story shouldn't be changed, super posed and should be as much untouched as possible.
Example: A photo of the monk on fire is a beautifully un-posed, un-edited photo that shows the story. The integrity of the photo is kept.

Favorite Photos: 
Toby Prescott's pictures of the Blazer rally are all some of my favorites, I love the action and excitements as well as the bright colors against the background.
OSU students take pictures with Blaze, Benny the Beaver at the end of the event.

I really like the picture to the left, the faces are nice, and the smiling is good. The lighting is really interesting and makes it so many of the faces are lit. The clarity is nice also.
LBCC faculty members lead students back to class after last Thursday's evacuation drill.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 3: Forum

Subject Name: (don't now yet)
Claim To Fame: Teaches friends almost 3 year old daughter ballet
Best Environment to shoot this person: In dance studio
Props: Ballet outfit? In class teaching the young girls, Studio with bar for stretching shot
How to contact this person: Facebook/email.

Subject Name:  Phyllis...............................................Dianne
Claim To Fame: Baker/makes wedding cakes......................Florist
Best Environment to shoot this person:  Bakery/cake decorating..............In her shop arranging flowers
Props: Cake, sugar work,, cutting tools, ribbons
How to contact this person: Email/drop by and see if she's available......... Same

Self Critique:

1.)My Best photo: The composition of this photo is compelling. and the coloring is nice, his blue worn out overalls tells as story that I could not have told myself. The steam engine is something that you don't see everyday, this also adds interest with the bright yellow writing on the industrial steel.
The photo to the left is the worst as it is blown out, the shadows are too dark, the clarity is bad and the story isn't compelling. The figures in the background are distracting, and don't seem to add much to the story.

3.) What I should do better: I need to get more brave to take the shots I want, and need to be more confident to get into taking the shots I want. I need to set presets so I don't miss the shot because my camera is being "nit picky" and won't blow out/lose sharpness. 

Bonus: Additional Tulip Fest Photos

Wooden Shoes and creatures made at the festival
Shoe maker helps out a child in making the shoes

Angie and Daniel Heidemeyer enjoy the sun and beauty and a much needed sit after walking the 40 Acres.
A beautiful little girl in the field of Tulips
Amy and Brittany In the field
Mom Brit and myself in the fields.

Angie and Daniel taking a much needed break from walking through the 40 acres of tulips

One of the most unique tulips on the farm
Leap of faith into a mattress, a popular carnival attraction.

Trevor taking a break as I take photos of the tulips.

Week 3: Dutch Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival

An Iris amongst the Tulips growing on the 40 Acres of Tulip fields bloomed for the Tulip Fest at the Dutch Wooden Shoe Tulip farm, Open March 20- May 3rd 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Picture was taken Saturday, April 12. The fields are in Woodburn, approximately 30 minutes outside of Salem, and an hour outside of Portland.
On Weekends at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Fest in Woodburn, there are steam tractors to look at. The tractors are from the 1900's and can sometimes be seen roaming the fields on days where it isn't as crowded, on April 12th there were thousands of patrons so the steam tractors were amongst the tents closer to the tulip fields, away from the carnival rides, as to not fill the air with the thick steam and smoke. I, unfortunately forgot this mans name, he is one of the 3 men who help explain and give rides on these old beasts from the past.

Later in the day Saturday a lot of patrons have headed home, here is just a slice of the 40 Acres of Tulips and of the many patrons who come here to see the beauty of it all. The admission is $5.00 a person, or $20.00 a car, along with the natural beauty of the fields there are tents with treats, wooden shoe carving demonstrations, face paintings, balloon animals, carnival rides, food trucks and wine tastings. Fun for the whole family is to be had at this natural beauty that is here for a few short weeks.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Week 2: Forum

My Ideas for next week's assignment:
-Possible Theater presentation at 9:15 on in-service day?
-Be on the lookout for interesting events happening.
Tips I found the most helpful:
  • Select a word and try to capture that emotion in a photo: I like the idea that finding an emotion and trying to show that in a picture without words. Would allow me more freedom and have me seek out a certain moment, to keep me focused.
  • Seek out striking scenes: I feel like you get lost in the norms of life around you and getting out of the things you see every day to find something more beautiful, disastrous, different or interesting would make for a better photo.

I am thinking about taking photos at a festival this weekend, the change of scenery I think will be nice and will inspire me to take better pictures. I'll try to take pictures from different vantage points as well.

Ryan Gardner: 3 questions and my favorite photo by him and why. 
 My Favorite Photo by Ryan Gardner: 
USC's Dominique Byrd brings down a one-handed touchdown grab while Oregon State's Brandon  Browner tries to prevent the reception in a fog-enshrouded Reser Stadium in Corvallis, Ore.
I like this photo a lot because it is the perfect moment, the lighting is gorgeous and the sharpness is incredible, almost dream like. The lighting and the emotion of the photo is incredible, even without the faces.
 3 Questions:
  1. What is your favorite part of taking portraits of people?
  2. What are your biggest hurdles? For instance, I have trouble going and asking permission for photos of people I don't know, how do you overcome this?
  3. What is your favorite photo that you have ever taken?

Week 2: Campus Event : American Red Cross Blood Drive

Mark Diller at a double red cell donation machine. He is a universal donor, so this machine allows for him to give double the red blood cells, but receive his plasma back with a saline mixture. His nurse, Lorena Eschilman, has been helping the Red Cross for about 5 years, and helped the process run smoothly.
Though Mark Diller has been giving blood regularly for 20 years, he still gets nervous when the needle is inserted into his arm, you can see him squeezing the stress ball to get his blood pumping.

The American Red Cross Blood drive was coordinated by student government, mostly Jeff Lange V.P and Roxanne Smith V.P elect. Pictured here is Mark Diller's blood slowly flowing into the double red blood cell machine.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Week 1: Forum

My Goals For Photojournalism 134:
  • I want to learn how to take photos in a new and interesting way that helps me get out of my comfort zone.
  • To be able to tell a story with images alone.
  •  Learn to create a more interesting, compelling photo.
Photographer of the Week: Ansel Adams
  • He was an American photographer as well as an environmentalist.
  • Worked between 1929-1942, printed his past negatives through the 1960's.
  •  His first portfolio, Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras, included his famous picture: "Monolith, the Face of Half Dome".
Ansel Adam's Claim to fame is his black and white landscapes, especially in Yosemite National Park.

Linn Benton Community College Photos:
  •  Could take pictures of events put on by the college, or community outreach programs? The Possible free egg hunt this weekend?
  • Take pictures of the Organic Chemistry Lab, Thursday, creating a polymer of Nylon from two liquid substances.

Week 1: My First Campus Photos

Words We Wish We Could Say...

These are letters that students at Linn Benton Community College wish they would be able to write.

A group of students enjoy the Spring sunshine in the courtyard.

The line to the bookstore, usually filled to the brim with students is empty; awaiting the students that give these barriers purpose.